Thursday, August 7, 2008

Renegade Row!

Leslye contemplates her next push up to row--what we call the "renegade row". Leslye has been working hard this month, training with Rogue for a half-marathon, getting into the gym for her Elements training AND making it to bootcamp every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Way to go, Leslye! She's also been making time for rest, which is just as important as the workout for building muscles and keeping your body at full speed.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cleans, Woodchops and Knee Pops!

The women at Anderson High use 6 lb. and 8 lb. medicine balls to work their entire body. With the clean you engage your legs, hips, butt, shoulders and core. Woodchops work your core, arms and some legs. Knee pops require coordination and agility, while working your arms, core, back and legs. Keep it up ladies!
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Friday, July 18, 2008

No Kimono Arms!

Karen and Delaney work their triceps at the Anderson High School Women's Only bootcamp this week. Each are doing different exercises that target the back of the arm, which is often a trouble-spot for women. But, working your triceps isn't just good for cosmetic reasons--it is the opposite muscle to the bicep and is necessary for functional fitness. No kimono arms!
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Med Balls in Motion

The women at the Anderson High Bootcamp get moving with a med ball circuit! This versatile training tool does wonders for your core and, as you can see, can be done solo. The med ball doesn't have to be heavy to get you results, either. Most of the balls we use in CrossFit Central bootcamps are 6 lbs., with a few 4 lb. and 8 lb. med balls thrown in for variation.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Ball that Just Won't Die

Check out this article from ESPN online about the popularity of medicine balls...

My clients can attest to the strength and agility gained by working out with medicine balls. A tool that's been around for thousands of years must have something going for it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Working hard in the A.M.!

Look at these ladies sweat! Here they are working med ball cleans, curls to overhead, windmills and woodchops. 20 seonds on, 10 seconds to rotate. And a run in between each set. Summer is here and the heat is on. Good job ladies!
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Powerful Throws

Laurice gets her whole body into this overhead throw to Leslye at our bootcamp this morning. After a series of rotations and chest passes, the group worked through overhead passes, engaging their core during every movement, though in a different way. A perfect set of exercises to increase functional fitness. Way to go ladies!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Medicine Ball Work!

The ladies really got working with the med balls this week, working on their core strength and total body functionality. Way to go Delanie!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spring is almost over and the heat is coming on! It's getting lighter earlier, too, these days, so our pictures are coming out better and you can see the beautiful scenery within which we workout. Who knew Anderson High School had such beautiful trees?!
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Introducing...the white board!

The ladies at Anderson High really seem to like the addition of the white board to their bootcamp. It adds an element of competition and also helps the women keep track of their progress. Most importantly, it acts as a encourager--these women cheer each other on to get faster, stronger and in the fittest shape of thie lives!
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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring is Here! (I think...)

Or is this what Spring is in Texas?...I forget. It sure has been windy and wet lately, though not wet enough. Mats are blowing away during class, and sometimes that run around the parking lot is that much tougher when you're facing a gale force wind. But, perhaps April will be kinder and gentler--a little more warm, predictable weather would be nice for once. Bring it on, April!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Free UTB Workout on Saturday!

On Saturday, March 15th, CrossFit Central is hosting a free community workout at 8:30 AM under the MoPac bridge at Lady Bird Lake. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce your family or friends to CrossFit and/or get an extra workout in this week! Come join others from the CrossFit community for a fun, free workout!

March Bootcamp...Brrr!

The first day of the March bootcamp was a chilly 30 degrees! Way to go ladies for sticking it out and getting in a great workout. Med balls were flying all over the place since we were wearing gloves, but we made it work. Hopefully the weather at 6 AM is going to start feeling like it feels at noon one of these days and we can leave the gloves, and scarves, and knit hats at home!


Okay, so I didn't make it to the kettlebell class due to having to stay at work late working on a project. BUT, Mike graciously added a short kettlebell circuit to our workout, and I'm hooked! I love these things! It's amazing the different movements that you can do with these things, and how much abs, legs, butt, and hips you use on most if not all movements. Very cool!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Kettlebell Craze

Apparently kettlebells are a "new fitness phenomenon", but Jeremy Thiel, co-founder of CrossFit Central, has been working out with them for years. I'm trying out my first class tomorrow night--I'll let you know how it goes!

Kettlebells date back to 18th century Russia and look like cannonballs with handles. Made of cast iron, they come in a variety of weights. With continued practice, a person can see improved strength, flexibility, balance, and muscle tone. I've used kettlebells in my CrossFit classes, but this will be my first class devoted solely to kettlebells. Can't wait!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women--Wear Red on Friday!

Friday, February 1, 2008, is National Wear Red Day—a day when Americans nationwide will take women's health to heart by wearing red to show their support for women's heart disease awareness. The Heart Truth is: "Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear—It's the #1 Killer of Women." The statistics are alarming:

Heart disease is the #1 killer of women.
One in 4 women dies of heart disease; 1 in 30 dies of breast cancer.

The good news is that both men and women can lower their risk of heart disease by as much as 82 percent by leading a healthy lifestyle. Join the national awareness movement by wearing red on February 1, and encourage your family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. Anyone can participate by showing off a favorite red dress, shirt, or tie, or Red Dress Pin.
The Heart Truth is a national awareness campaign for women about heart disease sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and other partner organizations. The campaign launched the Red Dress as the national symbol for women and heart disease awareness in 2002 to deliver an urgent wakeup call to American women.

For tools and materials to help you promote Heart Truth activities, especially National Wear Red Day, visit

Thursday, January 17, 2008


So, I was loading my bootcamp equipment into my vehicle after class Tuesday morning and I somehow whacked myself in the eye with a pvc pipe. Now I'm sporting a nice shiner out here in Arizona at a healthcare conference. I am definitely making up a cooler story than "I walked into a pvc pipe" to answer all these questioning looks...geez. They probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Women of Anderson High Bootcamp

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Anderson High Bootcamp--Workin' It!

These women are truly amazing...getting up before dawn to work out in the cool (sometimes cold, sometimes wet) morning. Each has the same goal--to be functionally fit. For one that means losing 15 lbs., for another that means gaining muscle strength. For yet another it means improved flexibility and range of motion. Each woman is in a different stage of her journey, but with accountability and encouragement, they will reach their goals.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

CrossFit Central Rocks

So, the ol' lady of CrossFit Central has finally gotten her blog up and running. I've been a team member of CFC for a little over 6 months now, and I appreciate you all being patient with this 30-something-year-old-techno-neophyte. I've got photos from my Anderson High Morning Bootcamp ready to be uploaded. That'll have to wait until tomorrow...I need my beauty rest so I'm ready for Randal's killer workout in the morning.